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Hello and welcome to Carrie Scruggs Photography!
Please take your time and look around my website, facebook and blog to get a feel for the type of pictures I create. I specialize in family photography serving the Saint Johns, Jacksonville, Switzerland and Saint Augustine areas of North Florida
A little about me....
In my mind I am the lead singer of a cool indy band, drive an old bronco filled with tripods and other various photo equipment with a large yellow lab in the passenger seat.
In reality.... I'm a stay at home mom to 3 boys ....who drives a mini van and has a small (but cute!) little boston terrier.....and all the neighborhood dogs howl when I sing.... ok maybe not...but my kids do plead for me to stop! #truth
​I have always loved photography growing up. The excitement that came with dropping off a role of film and the surprise of what developed. A turning point for me was when I took a photography class in high school that not only grew my love of taking photographs but also showed me how to develop film and process my images. It was simply magic. A blank piece of paper one minute was a laughing face the next. The smell of the chemicals and the fun of being in a dark room.... I fell head over heals for all of these little bits of photography magic.
Since then I have taken some college level photography courses while I lived in Colorado (I'm from Indiana originally) and then I moved into the digital world after the birth of my first son. I never would have left the film world but when we moved to Charlotte, North Carolina - I could not find a darkroom to rent like I had in Colorado. The world of photography was changing so I decided to dive right in and teach myself the wonderful world of Photoshop with a few photography workshops sprinkled in for good measure.
Most important -
I love pictures. I love the feel of the paper between my fingers and the memory that comes from looking at that photo. I love seeing stacks and stacks of them all over my house! I should really change my name to photo hoarder..that is how much I love photographs. I love them in frames, I love them in albums, I love them in boxes (or even in drawers), I love them stuck on mirrors and tacked on my walls. I even have a collage of my family under plexiglass all over my desk! I have them printed on canvas, on metal, on glass and even on wood! Any which way a real touchable image just can't be beat.
Try as I might, the digital version just doesn't hold the same magic for me. For this reason I try to combine the digital world that my clients desire with my love for a real photo..... so that is why I gift a free 5x7 with each digital negative purchased (or in a package).
Hopefully this little blurb will help you to know me just a tad better.....
So what are you waiting for? Just pick up the phone and give me a call 904-770-5806 or 704-488-9238
My life in #
#momto3boys #coffee #travel #books #photographs #sharksteeth #laughter #coppersmith #bostonterrier #getoutside #gobyboat #herefishyfishy #learnbydoing #indianagirl #loveamelia #kayak #cesphotography
Community: We love to give back to our community when the chance arises. If you know of someone who would benefit from our services, please let us know!
If you are interested in corporate or commercial work, please reference my other site Carrie Scruggs Photography
Can't get enough????? Want to know more????? Here is my personal

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